Renae called and invited a couple friends over so Poppy could have a playdate. It was always a great time letting the kids play so Anaya and Renae could catch up.
Poppy, Kristie, and Henry had a good time babbling to each other and playing.
After everyone went home it was bath time for the little Poppet.
Jin was busy working on a school project with Xavier to go out and play with all the toddlers.
But he still gave his little sister some love before mama put her to bed.
After her bedtime story Renae tucked her in and off to sleep she went.
Xavier was now working on a mod for his game that released. It was the most popular game but it did bring in some money. He hoped that the next one would be better.
When Renae got to work she met another new coworker. His name was Issac and not only was he cute but he was very nice.
Poppy had tried to follow Renae to work and Xavier had to run out and get her.
Renae was not a medical assistant which meant that she had more responsibility than just cleaning up the rooms and greeting patients. She now got to analyze patient swabs and enter the info in their file.
She also got to perform some basic exams such as checking their ears, eyes, and temp.
When Renae got home from work she would spend some one on one time with Poppy.
Then they would have a family dinner before Renae put Poppy to bed.
During the day Poppy tended to give Xavier a hard time and it started first thing with breakfast. She wouldn't want to sit in her chair and if he put her in there than she would throw her food on the floor.
Potty training wasn't going well on Xavier's end because Poppy didn't like having daddy do it with her. She wanted Renae to.
Poppy was happier when Xavier just let her be but she would have the occasional meltdown when she really wanted Renae and she still at work.
When Renae was home Poppy tended to always be in the same room as her.
Jin and Xavier were starting to become even closer as Jin got older. They did projects together and went fishing.
Xavier and Renae were trying their best to spend time together but you could tell there was something missing. When they were home there just didn't seem like there was enough time for them spend it together without the little ones, however, when they went out they didn't really talk much.
Xavier had more fun when he went out with his guy friends. He went to the comedy festival with Baako and entered into the competition. They talked just a little about what was going on between Renae and himself but Baako just told him it was a normal slump and would pass.
With that talk out of the way the guys focused on winning the competition.
Which of course they did!
I hope you enjoyed!
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